Saturday, March 24, 2007

Participation in The Face of the OC Mediator a Great Experience

I was pleased and intrigued by the opportunity to participate in "The Face of the OC Mediator" conference on March 23, 2007. I addressed no less than about 30 eager men and women on the subject of "Gender and Negotiation: How it Affects both Process and Outcome". It was a great experience for me because it was such a great group of energetic and excited participants: eager to learn and practice, meet and mingle. I have high hopes that this seed has been planted and that with the sunshine and spirit of Orange County, the movement will continue to grow. The talk by Reverend Bill on multi-cultural mediation at the lunch break was nothing short of inspired. I hope that we can continue the dialogue and perhaps engage Father Bill in a Salon on the topic of "public mediation" and what we as individual independent mediators can do to help our community get along as it struggles through changes in makeup and identity. Kudos to my friends, Therese Gray and Debra Rocha for putting together such an awesome conference and standing behind this emergin movement in OC!

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